3 min read

The Name: Yonah

Hello everyone!!

It’s been a while since I last updated this blog. Hope everyone has been fine! I wanted to share a little more about why I started this blog.

It all started when I realised that computer games started to gain a lot of control over my life. Then the Lent season (40 days that lead up to Easter Sunday) came by and I thought to myself, why not I fast from computer games until Easter? Then maybe, just maybe I would have a little more control over my life again. And so I did. I gave up playing computer games.

But then another problem arose. I became extremely bored with the extra time on my hands that was freed up from not playing computer games. At this time, I was taking to drawing up digital illustrations on my ipad. I happen to have an apple pencil and and ipad. And so I searched up some free illustration apps and started drawing. Then at the same time, I wanted to reach out to you guys. I wanted to encourage others with my words. I wanted to create a digital platform in which I can draw and write for others in order to encourage those who are weary and tired.

And so I conceptualised yonah. Yonah is a digital safespace platform that I created specifically to give others encouragement in their times of crisis, be it personal or community-based. I wanted my words to speak life into others. Acknowledging my decent gift of writing poetry over the past few years in my other blog: Pensitivity, I chose to combine my skills in coding, writing poetry and new skills of drawing into this platform. This is a logo I drew myself! P proud of it HAHA :)

Yonah is a Hebrew word that stands for dove. Doves are known for being a symbol of peace and harmony. Also, I personally identify very well with the dove because I am quite a peace-loving person. (Don’t you think so? HAHA) But the main reason why I chose the name yonah is because the dove is represented in the bible as the Holy Spirit, a member of the Holy Trinity in Christianity. The Holy Spirit is a spirit that led me through very tough times and spoke to me in my darkest moments throughout the past 1 year of my life. And therefore I trust him and I decided to name my blog after him.

I hope to continue to make this blog a consistent 1 post per week with encouraging words, a drawing and a short personal sharing of my life. Please do look forward to more content if you are interested in the words being written here. You do not have to be Christian to understand the content that will be written here as I would either always explain or put it simply. Afterall, all humans are capable of being loved right? Love is the greatest language and the glue of all relationships. Without love, there is no meaning in anything. I hope you feel loved when you read this blog :)

That’s all for now! Stay safe everyone, and look forward to more here. If you read and stayed all the way through, thanks for reading!! :)
