2 min read

A Digital Safespace

Hello everyone!

I’ll be using this blog to write some encouraging words during this very trying season for everyone. This is my first attempt at making a blog using the blogdown package on R and R Studio too!

In the dire news as televised yesterday, some of you may feel relief, confusion, grief or even utter loneliness. Dear fellow soldiers in life, today, you are not boxed in and you are not alone. We’re all in this together. Don’t worry, never give up hope, and trust in the stronger person you are becoming today.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, we are forced to stay at home as much as possible now, and it goes against our grain to socialise and interact with others. Today, you are not boxed in and you are not alone. We are all fighting this virus together and thankfully through digital means, we can still connect with each other online.

Now that we all have time to sit and ponder, what is it that truly matters in our lives? Is it our exchange plans? Grades? Internships? Money? Status? A high-paying job? Popularity? Alcohol? Chasing short-term excitement instead of long-lasting joy? My friends, do we need to face COVID-19 to realise that life isn’t in our total control at all? The situations in life shift from one end to another in an instant.

Everything changes.

But there’s really only one thing that’s unchangeable: Jesus. Jesus’ love. Jesus’ immense love for you.

In the words of Jesus: > “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33
